A Tryst with My Thoughts

'Such as are your habitual thoughts, such also will be the character of your mind; for the soul is dyed by the thoughts.' ~ Marcus Aurelius Look here-for words that mirror my thoughts ,images that reflect my soul.

Monday, April 10, 2006

What you make me feel....

I am a mother...It is a part of who i am ...rather ,to a great extent nowadays-it Defines who I am.

My daughter rules my world.Though she is not even two-I sometimes wonder at the control she wields over my emotions.

Her face is the first thing that I see as I wake up on most mornings,the pitter-patter of her little feet force me to shake of my own sleep-induced lethargy and begin with my daily chores.

But one entreating look on her little face as she stands there witha book in her hands is enough to make me forget my work and sit and read to her.And,her tears....her tears make me want to throw everything away and just hold her close..close ...close.

And then..there are those times when she makes me feel like the most powerful person in her entire universe...with the power to make her smile through her tears,or giggle at some silly faces that I make.A sudden loud noise,a dark room,a strange face..and she turns to me,seeks out my hand...trusting me to protect her,reassure her,keep her safe.

My little one-she makes me weak,she makes me strong;she can ruin my day or she can be the only good thing in it;she makes me vulnearble,she is my strength;she is trouble with a capital T,she is my greatest JOY.


  • At 3:26 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

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  • At 8:21 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

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