My latest pasttime.
Viewing other people's blogs has become my latest pasttime.I am so involved in this.....that it has almost become an overpowering obsession.
Apart from the few blogs that I have ear-marked for a daily visit,there are those that I stumble upon.....serendipitously.Reading them is like stepping into a new world..or worlds rather.For all of them are different,in some way or the other.Different authors,different contents,different styles of writing,different parts of the world.....
There are those that I envy for their lucid writing styles,for their clarity of thoughts or creative wrting skills.And then there are those that really suck, full of useless recipes and useless family gossip that makes no sense to anybody else.
But what the heck! However bad the language,however boring its contents,nobody can deny that a blog is its owner's own little nook in this huge world,truly personal;to do with it as one pleases,to express,to rant ,to vent,to be creative,to revel in and to obsess about.
Apart from the few blogs that I have ear-marked for a daily visit,there are those that I stumble upon.....serendipitously.Reading them is like stepping into a new world..or worlds rather.For all of them are different,in some way or the other.Different authors,different contents,different styles of writing,different parts of the world.....
There are those that I envy for their lucid writing styles,for their clarity of thoughts or creative wrting skills.And then there are those that really suck, full of useless recipes and useless family gossip that makes no sense to anybody else.
But what the heck! However bad the language,however boring its contents,nobody can deny that a blog is its owner's own little nook in this huge world,truly personal;to do with it as one pleases,to express,to rant ,to vent,to be creative,to revel in and to obsess about.
At 1:46 AM ,
Swapna Chakrabarti said...
Hey there...we seem to have a few things in of my hometowns(!?) is Nagpur and I am a post-marriage other than being mothers, we share these two things , too. You write very well. Keep it up!!
At 11:23 AM ,
mummyjaan said...
It seems to be a fairly common past-time. It can get addictive, unless you're careful to watch your time.
At 2:34 AM ,
Rachel said...
i blog hop too..very frequently now...and what percentage of the blogs you have read do you think are good?
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